Guide to the Interface

Objective Build is a cloud application accessed through your browser on your desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. The application's responsive design means the interface adjusts to the available browser space for a consistent experience across devices.

Here is a quick visual overview of the main sections of the interface and links to detailed reference for each major page in the interface.

Return to Dashboard

Click on the Objective Build logo to return to your Dashboard from anywhere in the system.

Main Navigation

Use the Navigation pane to move between key pages or, when working on an application, between stages

Back (context-sensitive)

The back arrow in a page header takes you back to a relevant previous location. For example, if you review a Request for Information and you link to edit the related application, the back arrow returns you to the RFI page.


The Actions menu shows the actions appropriate to your current location. So on the Dashboard you can start a new application. From the Application or Consent Overview, you can start a new child application or create a template. The actions available depend on the status of the application or consent.


The utilities area in the top navigation bar gives quick access to some key system tools. You can access the help centre, open the notification centre to view recent notifications and, from the profile menu, manage your profile or log out.